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Piet Oudolf's New Garden Book, Plantings

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The grasses and yellow Rudbeckia subtomentosa Oudolf chose for New York City’s High Line park is intended to be reminiscent of the American prairies.


A sweeping meadow highlights dramatic* Stipa gigantea* grass and the rich blooms of ‘Blue Fortune’ (left).


Dramatic Eupatorium maculatum, or ‘Snowball,’ a long-lived perennial.


The Meadow Garden at Tokachi Millennium Forest in Hokkaido, Japan, by leading British garden designer Dan Pearson.


Potter’s Fields, a public park in London, features plantings arranged in drifts, which convey a sense of movement.


This garden in Mannheim, Germany, is an example of how Oudolf is working to help simplify the creation of eco-friendly public spaces by devising preplanned, low-maintenance plant mixes for cities based on their climates.