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6 Things Healthy People Do on Their Way Out the Door

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We’ve all been there. It’s Monday, 8:45 a.m., raining, and you rush out the door just in time to make it to work—15 minutes late. By starting your morning off on a bad foot you’ve inadvertently set a negative tone for the rest of your day, and by the time you get off work you’re ready to go to straight to bed and hopefully, start tomorrow with a better outlook.

It may not feel that way at the time, but the moment you walk out the door has the most potential to define your day. So to help make all of our mornings go a little more smoothly, we called upon two of our favorite wellness experts, Katrine van Wyk , a New York-based health and nutrition coach, and Julie Melillo, founder of Your Dreams Life Coach also in New York, for help. We asked them for advice on how to get out the door without ruining the rest of your day, and they had lots to share.

From playlists to snacks, here are six things healthy people do on their way out the door:

1. They check their daily to-do list

“Every night, make a short list of the three or four things that you absolutely need to accomplish the next day, and make sure to pin it up in a place you can see on your way out the door,” says Melillo. “Whether its ‘drink more water’ or ‘drop off dry-cleaning,’ glancing at your daily to-do list on the way out the door will help you remain focused and in control of your priorities throughout the day.”

2. They bring a water bottle

While grabbing a water bottle on the way out the door might not seem very significant, van Wyk believes it can make or break the rest of your day. “Fill up a reusable bottle with water the night before and be sure to grab it on your way out,” she says. “Having it with you will help you stay hydrated—and less likely to get a headache—and help curb unhealthy food cravings that will make you feel groggy throughout the day.”

Read more: The Best Water Bottles of 2018

3. They get motivated

Whether it’s an energizing piece of artwork or a mood board with motivational images, Melillo says that having an inspo image (or two) to glance at as you leave your home each day will help you stay positive throughout the day. “Find a spot near your front door to post visuals that make you feel uplifted,” she says. “It will energize you with a bit of inspiration on your way out the door and help take your mindset to a positive place.”

4. They listen to a power playlist

When all else fails, you can always count on your favorite songs to make you feel better in the morning. “Make a playlist with songs that inspire you and have it ready to go at all times,” Melillo says. “Listen to it while you get ready in the morning or during your commute to work to get energized and invigorated for the day ahead.”

5. They grab some healthy snacks

Nothing turns a good mood sour like being hungry. That’s why van Wyk suggests always having healthy snacks—like nuts, fruit, or protein bars—handy. “Always be prepared for hunger,” she says. “Put some small bags of protein-rich snacks by your front door (or in your purse the night before) to curb cravings and avoid getting hungry ahead of time.”

Read more: 15 Homemade Snacks to Fuel Your Weekdays

6. They take the trash out

Believe it or not, according to Melillo, taking the trash out in the morning can have a big impact on the rest of your day. “Bag up your trash and recyclables the night before and keep it by the front door so you can grab it on your way out,” she says. “It’ll be one less thing on your to-do list for the day and give you a tidy space to come home to.”